Marketing Assignment 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1. MARKET SEGMENTATION AND TARGETING 1 2 POSITIONING 1 3. INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION 2 3.1 CONSISTENCY 3 3.2 THE PROMOTIONAL MIX 3 DIRECT MARKETING 5 3.2.1 Advertising 5 3.2.2 Sales Promotion 5 3.3.3 Events 6 3.3.4 Public Relations 6 3.3.5 Merchandising And POP 6 3.4 THE NEW MARKETING MIX 7 3.5 BUSINESS STRATEGY 7 4.GENERIC CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS 8 Figure 5. A Model Of Integrated Marketing Communications 8 REFERENCES 8
Shaped Alloys Ltd is a local company supplying aluminium cowlings, mouldings and structures for the MOD(Navy). They have been in this business for over thirty years. Due to the downturn in the government market they have been working on other products that they can produce effectively due to their extensive experience in light alloys.
The purpose of this report is to produce a marketing communications report that define the two markets the company operates through its B2b and B2C models and highlighting the differing communications requirements and the communications mix available to the marketer.
Many companies are using integrated marketing communications (IMC); because they need a more effective and efficient way of communications with their customers. It is believed that IMC help them to build customer relationship and therefore create profitable brands. (Duncan, 2002)
Segmentation and targeting seek to determine who companies want to reach in order to build brand relationship. Marketing today is in the name of efficiency and effectiveness, becoming more focused on smaller but more profitable segments of the market. (Duncan, 2003)
Shaped Alloys Ltd must be at the forefront of consumer research and conducts extensive research on a regular basis to identify new trends and to study opportunities for new and different trade channels. According to Shaped Alloys Ltd’s research,