Mohit Kr. Srivastava
Asst. Prof. Ph: 9935428632 Xsddddd
Sharad Kr. Gupta
Asst. Prof. Ph: 9839164608
Sushil Kushwaha
Asst. Prof. Ph: 9335891362
Brishket S. Tripathi
Lecturer Ph: 9236119790
Department of Electronics Engineering , MPEC, Kothi Mandhana, Kanpur
In this paper we have explained a steganalytic tool to detect the presence of hidden message in LSB steganography. It is process of hiding secret information in a cover image. Here we have used LSB insertion method using discrete algorithms. Steganographic programs use the Least Significant Bit (LSB) embedding as the method of choice for message hiding 24-bit, 8-bit color images and grayscale images. It is commonly understood that changes to the LSB of color cannot be detected due to noise that is always presents in digital images. In this paper, we describe a new very accurate and reliable method that can detect LSB. Embedding in randomly scattered pixels in both 24-bit color images and 8bit grayscale or color images.
The first step is steganography is that to embed and hiding information is to pass both the secret message and the cover message in to the encoder, inside the encoder, one or several protocols will be implemented to embed the secret information into the cover message.
Secret text message of 1000 character
Encoder Cover image Stego Object
Stegnography, Stegoimage, LSB Computer and Network Security insertion,
Secret Text
Steganography brings science to the art of hiding information. The purpose of steganography is to convey a message inside of a conduit of misinterpretation such that the existence of the message
References: [1] J. Fridrich and M. Goljan, “Stegnalysis of LSB Embedding in color and Grayscale image”, in preparation for the special issue on security in Magazine IEEE Multimedia. [2] R. J. Anderson and Petitcolas, F.A.P., “On the limits of steganography”, IEEE Journal of selected Areas in Communications. [3] Curran, K. and Bailey, K. “An evaluation of image based steganography method”.International Journal of Digital Evidence, Fall2003. [4] Jakson, J.T.,Gregg, H., Gunsch, Claypoole, R.L., and Lamont, G.B. “Blind Steganography detection using a computational immune system: A Work in progress”. International Journal of DigitalEvidence. [5] Digital Image Processing using MATLAB by Gonzale Woods. [6] N. Provos and P. Honeyman,”Hide and seek: An introduction to Steganography”.