Throughout the years, the technologies of man have contributed a lot to their survival. As time progresses new problems come with every advancement. It’s been unfortunate of man that while these advancements decreased their daily problems, there are some that continues to affect man even in this day and age. Recent studies of stem cells have played are very important because they show promise in helping man solve or at least grasp the solution to the diseases that have haunted him since his early days of conscious. The idea of stem cells is kind of a simple idea. This brings us to the first promise, not only are stem cells able to be taken from the human body, but scientists are now able to grow these cells in labs. The most worried over part is that when obtaining the cells, it doesn’t always have to be from an embryonic tissue. It’s very good because one can use an already developed cell (Parks 1). This is important because it’ll be much easier to get and by just changing the structure, scientists can take the much more important genes in these cells. With the use of past research it’s only a matter of time until cells can be converted into nerves and major organs like heart cells, liver cells or any other living tissue we may need if we get sick or injured (Parks 2). What have proven to be extremely helpful, the promise of the use of these cells is their potential to be produced unlimitedly. Scientists can generate a endless supply of these cells from one original cell. With that idea in mind, scientists won’t be restricted by the fear of playing god or undoable mistakes. They can use as much of these cells as they want until the best result eventually comes out. The research for stem cells alone has sparked ideas in various minds to imagine the possibilities that some people would call science fiction. These thoughts are quite frankly the spawn of a simple question; “If these cells can replace ailing cells, why not
Throughout the years, the technologies of man have contributed a lot to their survival. As time progresses new problems come with every advancement. It’s been unfortunate of man that while these advancements decreased their daily problems, there are some that continues to affect man even in this day and age. Recent studies of stem cells have played are very important because they show promise in helping man solve or at least grasp the solution to the diseases that have haunted him since his early days of conscious. The idea of stem cells is kind of a simple idea. This brings us to the first promise, not only are stem cells able to be taken from the human body, but scientists are now able to grow these cells in labs. The most worried over part is that when obtaining the cells, it doesn’t always have to be from an embryonic tissue. It’s very good because one can use an already developed cell (Parks 1). This is important because it’ll be much easier to get and by just changing the structure, scientists can take the much more important genes in these cells. With the use of past research it’s only a matter of time until cells can be converted into nerves and major organs like heart cells, liver cells or any other living tissue we may need if we get sick or injured (Parks 2). What have proven to be extremely helpful, the promise of the use of these cells is their potential to be produced unlimitedly. Scientists can generate a endless supply of these cells from one original cell. With that idea in mind, scientists won’t be restricted by the fear of playing god or undoable mistakes. They can use as much of these cells as they want until the best result eventually comes out. The research for stem cells alone has sparked ideas in various minds to imagine the possibilities that some people would call science fiction. These thoughts are quite frankly the spawn of a simple question; “If these cells can replace ailing cells, why not