The fact of the matter is that stem cell research has created an ethical dilemma in America. With the technology moving so rapidly and the debate weather to allow experimentation on these embryos rages on. The fact of the matter is that research and expemnts that is conducted through stem cell research can lead to treatment or cures for Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries. I simply forgot to add arthritis. This is what I suffer from. Osteoarthritis of both
knees at the age of 38. Stem cell research could find a cure for this and help nearly 30 million adults.
I as mention early I agree with stem cell reasech and the moral reasoning of utilitarianism, which when broken down in its simplest meaning equates to whatever action will produce the greatest amount of good for all. How the greater good was accomplished is immaterial.
So when we look at the situation and look at the number of young children, young adults as well as older adult with diseases, that through stem cell research could be cured. And if you believe life begins at conception (which I do not) the embryo have no conscience.