As mentioned in the beginning of this article, a college education is essential for your future. Just going to college is not enough. You must take action to ensure that you get ...…
It might seem risky to pay very much for college education for some people, however the career potential of those experienced higher education is usually deemed higher than those without it. Taking a heavy debt to go for higher education may unreasonable to some people, but it is a choice of what kind of future career one is looking for. If one wants to climb on to the highest position in a company’s hierarchy, investment in higher education would benefit one in a long run. Moreover, higher education improves an individual's quality of life. Studies show that, compared to high school graduates, college graduates have longer life spans, better access to health care, better dietary and health practices, greater economic stability and security, more prestigious employment and greater job satisfaction, less dependency on government assistance, greater knowledge of government, greater community service and leadership, more volunteer work, more self-confidence, and less criminal activity and incarceration. Therefore, it is a personal choice of future, it is difficult to bear the expense, but for those who choose to fight the difficulties, distinguished future…
Growing up, people have different goals in their lives, and sometimes without knowing exactly what they are going to do, they simply want to be successful in the future. Success is a word that has different meanings for many people: some of them think success is the wealth, for some it is just making the world a better place. Success does not happen overnight as describes Malcolm Gladwell, the author of the book called, “Outliers: The Story of Success”. In most cases it takes a lot of practice. Sometimes the past of a person or the place where he/she was born affects the future of that person. Referring to some facts from one of Gladwell’s…
For many high school students, the obvious choice after graduation is going to college. But why has this become the norm? With many students being conditioned at a young to prepare for college, there might not seem like any other choice. As college tuitions continues to rise and the job market continues to decline, young adults have started to rethink the choice to attend college. After all, there have been many successful people who have not graduated college. This proves that one does not need to attend college to be successful and there are many different options besides a four-year university to gain knowledge that is useful for getting a job.…
To a student in an era of globalization, economic recession, and strong job competition, it can appear as if a college degree is the ultimate solution to one’s problems. However, finding the right post-highschool path is often like shopping for clothes: One choice rarely fits all people. College can often cost more than the degree pursued is worth. College also isn’t the only way one can get a good job outside of high school. Furthermore, college is not for everyone. Not all students should go to college.…
For most, higher education is the key to social mobility, financial stability, and self-actualization. Living-wage jobs are difficult to find, especially without an education past high school. Workers are competing in a market that demands knowledge, high-skills, and leadership. College is where young adults can learn to be successful.…
In the world today, their are many people out here who hardly know enough to survive because of they’ve no college education. As the college grads get the jobs they want, they become very successful in that job. This is because they took the knowledge of what they’ve learned about that career in school too that job. These grads are very determined in their jobs and they just do very well. Success in the future is followed behind college so make this happen and attend college to be successful.…
For many individual students preparing to graduate from high school, wondering whether or not they should pursue a higher education at a university or other learning institute is an issue that weighs heavily on their minds. It is a very difficult decision that depends on many different factors, such as the individual’s personal goals. Some students choose to go straight from high school directly into the workforce after graduating. Other students choose to go into the military after graduating from high school. While these are all different options, recent research indicates that higher education is extremely valuable.…
A good college education gives us the expertise to both realize our career goals and also enhance their career goals. An adult may take a job that he or she has to have but not a career that fulfills that personal gratification. Having the expertise or an in-depth knowledge about a specific field certainly can open many doors to brilliant career opportunities or career promotion. While strong work ethics is important a good education allows that individual to be more attractable or eligible for employment in any sector of the…
It is very important to attend college as it provides many advantages and opportunities. For some, continuing education past high school is a scary thought. More course work, adjusting and fitting into a new environment and finding out how to take care of the forever rising cost of tuition expenses can be very intimidating and stressful for young adolescents. Students may begin to ask themselves what’s the importance of a college education. However, in todays economy the importance of a college education cannot be measured. The benefits of college far outweigh the stress. By going to college one could achieve a higher education, better employment opportunities, increased wages, better health, personal growth and help diversify one’s way of…
Definition of success differs from each person, depending on the way they view it in their life. Each age group may have a different perception on what a success is. On my own idea, success is something that I want to achieve in the future, something that was planned with goals, ways to obtain it and a path on how it will be a reality. On this paper, the discussion is about succeeding in graduate school, setting goals, the obstacles we might meet before achieving success and the different ways in order to surpass the challenges.…
With a degree comes benefits for a person's family, ability to make better choices, and the ability to communicate more effectively. A degree holder will find it much easier to be hired by an employer who gives generous benefits. College graduates are also less likely to experience unemployment. Most importantly, a college graduate has the freedom to pursue a career that interests and inspires them. The saying "Money can not buy happiness" holds to be quite untrue in this particular situation. The odds of having a high paying job with vast amounts of benefits as opposed to the uncertainty of unemployment or a low paying job with no where to advance prove that quite…
University education is often thought of as just another step that one has to endure to get a decent career. The purpose of education has drastically changed from the past and it seems as though its purpose now distorts one’s outlook on their future. Students are misguided by the idea that university education is the most important aspect of their process of getting a career, that nothing else matters except for education. Indeed, education is an important aspect of life, but the reason people attend university is not for the benefit of getting a job. This shift in perspective on the purpose of education can be considered unintentional (CB p. 334) since it originates back to the olden ways of how the society functions. Before, only the elites had access to education; now, almost everyone is able to gain an education. The only difference now for people, is the level and quality of education that they can attain. Due to the greater access to education, the younger generation believes that the only way they can be successful, relatively, is through education.…
One of the many great things of earning a college education is providing many rewards which can last a lifetime. First, by going to college, students are able to get and keep a better job than those who do not have a college education. The more somebody studies in college, the more he or she will succeed in life. Because the world is changing rapidly, and many jobs use new technology, more jobs require education beyond the high school level. With a college education, a wider range of jobs are available, than without this education. In finding a job, education is one of the top priorities to the employer in order to decide whether a person can be hired. Furthermore, it is necessary for certain skill to perform some tasks. This is a significant reason why people go to college, so they can obtain the skills and abilities, which they are going to need in the future.…
Being successful in life does not just happen. College is something that will help one become successful in life. Going to college will be a life changing experience for anyone. One will get the experience of living independently. College will also give someone the opportunity to pursue something that they love and have a passion for. Pew Research Center states, “[t]he economic analysis finds that Millennial College graduates ages 25 to 32 who are working full time earn more annually—about $17,500 more—than employed young adults holding only a high school diploma.”(“Rising Cost of Not Going…