Assignment on auditing
Date: 26th July, 2012
A. H. Lutful Hassan
Deputy Director,
Career Guidance & Placement (CGP)
And Adjunct Faculty
School of Business
Independent University, Bangladesh.
Subject: Submission of assignment on “Planning of audit & independence of auditor”.
Dear Sir,
I am proud to present you my assignment which has done under your instruction. I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work on such assignment. By doing this assignment, I gain lots of valuable knowledge not only on creating an assignment, but also on understanding the significance of audit analysis. I sincerely hope that this assignment meets your approval and demonstrates my ability to present assignments. If you require further clarification, I will be happy to contact you according to your convenience.
Ishrat Nahid
ID: 0930183
Executive Summery
An auditor is an official whose job it is to carefully check the accuracy of business records. An auditor can be either an independent auditor unaffiliated with the company being audited or a captive auditor, and some are elected public officials. Auditors are used to ensure that organizations are maintaining accurate and honest financial records and statements.
In this report I have written about the plan of audit and the importance of independence of auditors. Planning the audit is an important step to conduct the audit. Auditor uses different planning methods to determine risk assessment, assessment of internal controls etc. The auditor either internal or external cannot complete all the aspects of the audit in one year. The auditors plan the audit is such a way they can cover the audit over a period of time.
Auditor independence is one of the most important issues in accounting practice today. Independence increases the effectiveness of the audit by providing
References: Auditing, an integrated approach, 8th ed, Arnes,james Foundation of financial management, 12th Hirt, block Auditing Principles and Procedures,Khawaja,Saeed Assurance (Study manual) CA Professional Stage Knowledge level, 1st ed Audit planning is two way Street,Anderson