With this ever increasing insecurity amongst civilians,the need of qualified people who can combat these terrorist activities is increasing.
Today Indian government is training a number of anti-terrorism officers who primarily hold policy advisory and planning positions at places that are frequently threatened by terrorist invasions.These ATOs are trained vigorously to protect national security and have to take up operational counter-terrorism roles.Their training level and experience must be above military field training.Additionally those on senior level need to implement apt measures and must understand how to effectively manage and deal with such sensitive issues.Personnels in this field are required to have the knowledge needed for strategic security industry.Anti-terrorism studies require in-depth understanding of explosives ,weapons of mass destruction ,extremism and terrorist techniques to prevent their operations.This anti-terrorism education can help our country meet the challenging security problems.
India has made important and historically unprecedent improvements in its internal security architecture,including the creation of a coastal command to secure 4,650 miles of shoreline,establishment of 20 counter terrorism schools and standing regional commando units,the creation of national agency to investigate suspected terrorist activity and stronger anti terrorism laws.But the country remains deeply vulnerable.Some important systematic barriers will put a limit to which India can improve its internal