Schemas are associations that are used to assist people in differentiating, judging and retaining processed information which as a result creates mental shortcuts. Schemas are used to explain behavior about certain ethnic groups, genders and social economic statuses. In this case schemas are referred to as a stereotype which are overgeneralizations about characteristics and traits that are generalized to explain the behavior of every person in a particular people group. Stereotypes create stereotype threats that cause negative consequences for individuals that are in the group the stereotype is directed …show more content…
The article also demonstrates that stereotype threat depresses performance because of the previous research done in laboratory settings. The article also discusses how a number of experiments have found that stereotype threat is related to pressure and arousal by measuring individual’s cardiovascular system. The goal of the study was to investigate stereotype threat theory in high school students. The second goal of the study was to investigate a relationship between stereotype threat and the effect of how difficult the problems of the exam The method in the study was that students were given a math exam compromising of different levels of complexity. The results of the study showed that the female student performance was depressed in the stereotype threat group. The results prove that stereotype threat depresses psychological processes that create a situational pressure that on standardized test performance. The article “Stereotype threat in classroom settings: The interactive effect of domain identification, task difficulty and stereotype threat on female