They think someone is a cenerain way because of how they are, how they act, or what they even do. People are getting stereotyped because they may be in a specific group which people view a certain way.While when it comes to misconceptions it is an incorrect opinion or point of view of someone causing them to have assumptions about these people. Misconceptions are different from stereotypes in the way that they are false allegations about someone else. While stereotypes are what people assume someone else as. Although sometimes people immerity confuse both of them, they view miscompetion as stereotypes or even stereotypes as misconceptions. In the article, Why do Have Create Stereotypes, Guy Raz mentions “ we all make judgements about people based on how they look or talk and the assumptions is that these things are all bad.” (Raz,1). This explains how stereotypes can affect a person's way of being in the way that it can reflect on that person as a bad way. Stereotypes can lead to a misunderstanding of that specific group or person which either be good or …show more content…
Leading to that the fact that most nurses are females that the truth without a doubt. Female nurses are caregivers although they are sometimes seen as workaholics which is what they really are in a way. They work long hour shifts everyday walking around a hospital or clinic checking on patients doing paperwork and helping a doctor with any need. They see so much things in their daily life it’s inane there, so much that goes on especially if working in a hospital. When nurses get stereotyped they are automatically seen that way. Stereotypes that have surround female nurses are that they just are wanna be doctors since many doctors are known to be males. This is where they get many of their misconceptions from like being a nurse is easy, they are less skilled than doctors. Of course nurses don’t have the same knowledge whatsoever. Although these aren’t the only miscompections being thrown around with television shows they are the ones who are inaccurate about female nurses. Television shows are were it would be the most common resource were you’ll be able to find stereotypes and misconceptions about female nurse. They can even make a female nurse to be the one who after the doctor. Making them being seen like a sex object which is one of the main topics television shows exaggerate about the most female nurses. They make them seem like they are just used for