
Stereotypes In Ink By Sabrina Vouvoulios

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Stereotypes In Ink By Sabrina Vouvoulios
Throughout history people have come to the United States in mass migrations, first the English, Dutch, French, and Spanish came to America conquering its native people; however, at time people forget the roots of the United States, that we were once all immigrants in search of a better live. As the United States established itself as a country in 1776 a new age began, when new people coming to this new country in hopes of a new beginning were seen as immigrants, as less, not truly ‘American’. Unwillingly people were taken from there countries, and brought to the United States as slaves, a forced immigration predominated made of African people. These people where seen as less than human, used for labor, beat, raped and pillaged. This starts …show more content…
Continuing as time went on soon the Irish, became the next group to be viewed as less; however, as one group was accepted a new ethnic group filled the spot of being less in the eyes of American society, moving from the Slavics, to the Chinese, and more modernly Mexicans, and Middle Eastern people. In the novel Ink by Sabrina Vouvoulias uses a somewhat dystopian future to showcase that the stereotype of viewing immigrants as less, is untrue by highlighting how hardworking each ink character is in terms of living their best life under such oppressive conditions.
Throughout the novel Vouvoulias challenges stereotypes by showcasing the parallels in society. When Mari and Nely are taken by a group who captured inks and takes them across the border into Canada, we see how stereotypes are broken. Firstly, the group agrees that the inks are true evil and should leave the country; however, they take children from there family, kidnapped grown adults, while some may argue that inks are on the ones destroying their country, this stereotype is broken by the fact that the only people committing a heinous act in the hate group. Likewise, there is a stereotype that immigrants take jobs that Americans want; however, Vourvoulias debunks this stereotype somewhat by

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