A one-shot thing. Nobodys business but ours.” (Proulx, 1999, p. 7). Once they have finished the summer herding the sheep up at Brokeback, they are then go their separate ways not saying much about what has happened. Whilst walking away Ennis stops to the side and feels sick, but as much as he tries to throw up he realizes that only thoughts of regret for leaving Jack and never establishing anything with him is the only realization he comes to. After four years without word from each other Jack sends word to Ennis and he is overcome by excitement and eagerness and once Jack arrives Ennis embraces him intimately without hesitation, this is a change of demeanor for Ennis as before he was reluctant and fully aware of the consequences for such actions in public, yet in this very moment he quickly disregards any sense of judgment or repercussion for what is known to be frowned upon by the community. For several years they have kept their relationship in the same state, secretive and in denial of their true feelings, which is more so Ennis than Jack who was more open about it. Ennis in attempt to keep the typical stereotype of a masculine western cowboy he turns down Jacks offers of a life together …show more content…
Jack marries Lureen, and of them two Lureen is the manlier figure in their relationship. Lureen’s father L.D Newsome is a prime example of the typical masculine man. Newsome takes pleasure in putting Jack in his place whenever the opportunity arises. In pursuit of putting Newsome in his place when he attempts to hold reins over how Jack should behave at thanksgiving Jack responds surprisingly “This is my house! This is my child! And you are my guest! Now sit the hell down before I knock your ignorant ass into next week!” (Lee, 2005). Before Jack and Ennis met, Ennis was already engaged to Alma, he portrays the behavior of the stereotype of the cowboy and how men were meant to go about their lives to fit in society then. When Ennis is divorced from Alma, Ennis is encountered by a Cassie. In the film, when Cassie tries to dance with Ennis when their faces are towards each other Ennis is shown smiling, but as soon as she places her head away he looks displeased at the situation. Although any typical man would be happy about that situation it’s clear that Ennis is not. When Jack and Ennis’ relationship progresses Ennis becomes more anxious and paranoid “…when you're in town and someone looks at you all suspicious, like he knows? And then you go out on the pavement and everyone looks like they know too?” (Lee, 2005) this gives reason for Ennis to step back again and