During two class sessions, we have viewed the movie Crash. In this particular movie, victims and offenders are shown to be victims of racism and end up being shown as a racist under different circumstances. This shows various characters of different backgrounds and ethnicities going through a certain roadblock in their lives due to a personal matter that may be because of a racial thought.…
The book was about a young African American girl that was raped and almost killed by two white men. It all start in Ford Country when Billy Ray Cobb and Willard take turns rapping the young African American girl. Billy Ray Cobb has a history of doing time in jail and being knew as a violent person. Willard was Billy Cobb good friend and a little slow in the head. He didn’t have much of a criminal record other than a couple of drunk fights. They both were drunk and doing drugs while they did this. They tried her up to a chain fence and tried her feet up while they did this. The girl was ten years old and was very small for age. The men after they were done raping her they threw beer cans at her. Than they try to hang her with a rope from a nearby…
Black film maker Marvin Van Peebles uses this U.S documentary Classified X which was made for the European television to examine the African American film history. This documentary presents a lot of diversities in his characters. In this course we are learning a lot about stereotypes which relates violence in the black cinema community and how it reflects on racism. Since the movie industry came about, the whites has been forefront with an iron fist ready to ruled and take over. Hollywood films has been extremely racist since its early integration in our society. Throughout the 1900s films that were made were not only racist to blacks, but was also making light of the black community. Since white people could no longer have a physical slavery…
Sandra Bullock’s character in the Movie Crash was Jean Cabot. Jean was portrayed as the district attorney’s wife. She became fearful of people of color when she was robbed by the two black gentlemen Anthony and Peter after they left the Asian restaurant feeling like they were discriminated against based on their race. When Anthony an Peter decided to rob the Cabot’s they did it because Jean decide to grab on to Ricks’ arm at the sight of Anthony and Peter. When Anthony and Peter robbed the Cabot’s’ they took their house keys as well causing them to have to get the keys replaced by the locksmith. Since Jean now has that fear that all men of color are going to rob her she then thinks and states it very loudly that the locksmith is going to take a set of her keys and give it to his friends so that they can be robbed again. Her husband Rick is running for re-election as the district attorney. Rick feels as though he could use the carjacking to his electoral advantage as a way to help him get re-elected. Jean had become a very angry person after she got robbed, she was overtly mad at the maid for not taking the dishes out of the dishwasher and Jean had a big fit about it. Jean later talks to her friend on the phone about why she has been so angry lately and she doesn’t understand why. Jean falls down the stairs after she gets off the phone with her friend and just lies at the bottom of the stairs whimpering. Jean later talks to Rick on the phone and she tells him about her accident and that everyone she called was unavailable to help her, the only person that came to her rescue was Maria her maid. As Maria brings Jean a cup of tea Jean hugs Maria and tells Maria that she is her best friend.…
In the 2004 film Crash, writer and director Paul Haggis presents a complex story that intertwines characters of differentiating races, ethnicities, cultures, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds. It explores the controversial topics of stereotypical racial clashes and cultural diversity in the American society. The plot takes the viewer on a 36 hour, voyeuristic journey into the lives of whites, blacks, Latinos, Koreans, Iranians, cops, and criminals, both upper and lower class. Haggis showcases characters that cross paths revealing the various complexities of the prejudices and racisms that are ingrained in interrelationships.…
Officer Ryan and Officer Hanson are two characters that stood out in particular. Throughout the movie Hanson is portrayed as the "good" white, male, police Officer and Ryan is portrayed as the "bad" white, male, police Officer. During the movie Officer Hanson, is striving to steer clear of being racist and discriminating. For example, in one scene both Officer Hanson and Officer Ryan pull over a black couple. During the investigation, Officer Ryan is intimidating the couple and they aren't sure how to handle the situation.…
Why did they change? Officer John Ryan at the start of the film rang up Shaniqua to ask for insurance for his Dad medical problems. The first time Officer John sees Shaniqua for the first time her face lights up like a christmas, in her mind she is going to promote the idea of racism to show supremacy. As Shaniqua is introducing herself she exaggerates her name to know that John has said racist words over the phone. The smile on Shaniqua’s face of vengeance was evident for all to see. Officer John tries to make up ground and says, “Yeah, I’m really sorry and I want to apologize for that crack, I haven’t been sleeping a lot.” It is easy to see John is blaming his racism on a lack of sleep because he needs an excuse in order to get the insurance for his father. Paul shows Shaniqua’s point of view is from the angle that she doesn't care too much about John or his need for insurance due to the way he has abused her over the telephone. Paul then shows Officer John Ryan Point of view is shown through guilt and remorse about his anger at the time that he abused…
The film “The Breakfast Club” directed by John Hughes is a compelling film that illustrates the inner working of the teenage mind-set. A film quite literally opens your eyes to how teenagers work within different stereotypes. John Hughes is able to show how although each character may give the impression that everything is “OK” but really, on the inside their whole life is just constant stress. This stress, which numerous things, including their parents and peers brought on, effected them in a way in which throughout the film, we as the audience have more insight into their lives as teenagers. Many of the characters in this film are easily relatable; however, Hughes has been able to show the differences within the inner workings of their…
The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, is a coming-of-age story that compels readers to question society’s stereotyping of people and expresses the need for people to always have hope. Based on two rival teenage gangs, the poor, east-side Greasers, and the rich, west-side Socials (Socs), The Outsiders is told through the eyes of sensitive, 14-year-old Greaser, Ponyboy Curtis. The novel explores the choices people make when faced with adversity, sending an important message to readers that everyone is an individual, regardless of their background. The characters of Ponyboy and Dallas ‘Dally’ Winston, a hardened and damaged Greaser, are vital to this message and they also play key roles in portraying the book’s fundamental theme that even the most…
The last concept that is displayed in Crash is the sociological concept of ethnocentrism. This means that we judge other cultures by the standards of our own. Not only that, but we also believe that our own culture is superior to everyone else's. Graham and his Latina girlfriend fight and he pokes fun at her culture by calling her Mexican even though she isn't. Asian Americans speech patterns are made fun of, like the term "blaking" for braking. These characters don't celebrate or even accept the characteristics of other cultures. They only mock them, assuming the superiority of their own culture. They fail to try to understand one another through ethnocentrism. Officer Ryan makes fun of the name Shaniqua, a more common name of African American culture.…
Mary-Louis Parker once said, “People have a problem with me being different, but that propels me forward in life”. S.E. Hinton believes that the outsiders are all the people who dare to be different, and who stand out from their social category. She provides examples throughout The Outsiders of characters that feel and act differently than those around them. Randy Adderson does not fit the stereotype of a Soc because he is caring, and he has his own opinions. To begin with, Randy is an outsider because he cares about other people.…
“The immigrant” shows how immigrants believe that everything is handed to them when they get to the United States. Charlie Chaplin thought that once he entered America everything would just be given to him. The stereotype of America is that everyone is successful and money is made at ease. The film illustrates the idea that everything in America is given to you. When he was gambling, he was winning every time. Chaplin was getting lucky and money was coming at ease and he was enjoying every second of it. The stereotype is that everything is easy and enjoyable. Additionally, he wasn’t being careful with his money. Chaplin was giving his money away to other people because the film was illustrating that he had nothing to worry about once he got…
Whom do I most relate to in Crash? The question has the same prejudice as the movie. The movie implies that everyone is racist (or at least have some stereotypical pictures of other cultures), which creates problems in dealing with those from these other cultures. Therefore, since if everyone is racist, I must also be racist and be able to identify with one of the characters. Crash kills diversity since without diversity, there would be nothing to be prejudiced against. It’s hard for me to pick a character with whom I relate. I understand Tommy in his disgust with his police partner and his unwillingness or inability to confront his partner’s racist behavior. However, Tommy enters a different world than I when he overreacts to the comments of the black hitchhiker.…
The topics that I intend to research are some stereotypes associated with race. Also, how these stereotypes are portrayed through the consumption of children’s products. I intend to argue a point in my research paper that race is not associated with biological features, but through consumerism it is constantly associated with them. I intend to research the typical stereotypes types associated with the Hispanic, Black, White, and Oriental races. My focuses in this research paper are the toy manufacturers of Barbie and American girl.…
In the first six months of 2012, the police, security guards, and self appointed agents of “justice” have killed 110 African-American men, women, and children. Since its publication, there have been 10 additional killings in total, 2012, which means that in 2012, there has been 1 killing every 36 hours. Many of these deaths are the consequences of stop and frisk policies, racial profiling, and a culture of White racist stereotyping of African Americans as criminals and suspects. According to Rosa Clemente, a member of Malcolm X Grassroots Movement and former vice-presidential candidate of the Green Party, “Nowhere is a Black woman or man safe from racial profiling, invasive policing, constant surveillance, and overriding…