PC gamers believe that their gaming computer enables them to have an enlightened gaming experience and thoroughly enjoy the games they play. Through this idealism, they may mildly suggest to console gamers that they should consider obtaining a gaming computer instead of a console that is restricted to its base components. In the online article, What’s the Glorious PC Gaming Race?, it is declared that “A PC can always be updated with the latest and greatest hardware, but that is not the case with a console, where you’re lucky if you can just get reasonable storage space.” This addresses the point that PC’s aren’t constricted to how a company decides to create them and are allowed to be altered to better match the gamer’s interests. Society has exaggerated this positive suggestion into something cruel by stating that PC gamers look down upon console gamers for their gaming system choices. Most of the PC gamers in the gaming community have no qualms with console gamers, but do believe that console gamers could benefit more in their gaming experience by trying out a gaming computer compared to a console. To a PC gamer, the possibilities of their gaming experience are endless; in accordance with their budget and dedication to creating an over-the-top PC. This …show more content…
As society portrays them, PC gamers are the type of people who sit in a desk-chair playing games all day and accomplish nothing with their lives. This belief has not context and condemns PC gamers to being judged as people without an ideal lifestyle. There is hardly any truth behind this stereotype besides the fact that yes, playing a game on PC requires a chunk of time out of your day. Playing for a good couple of hours does not directly correlate PC gamers as the type to play endlessly into the night and waste their life away. A vast majority of PC gamers do have interests set aside from playing on their computer. Society automatically decides that since this group of individuals likes to spend time playing on their computer that they have no other interest in a life outside of their PC gaming. This stereotype is horribly premised and only serves the purpose as a negative label for this genuine group of