
Stereotypes Of Black Women Essay

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In the United States, black women are negatively stereotype. I believe black women are negatively stereotype because of the color of their skin. They are seen or treated different if they are not white. Race (is refer to a person’s characteristics such as skin, hair, bone structure, and eye color) has been an on-going issue since the 19th centuries. For example, black women are portrayed as stupid and uneducated. However, not all black women are like this. There are some very smart and educated black women in this world. To end “black women” stereotypes, I think black women should educate the ignorant, be mindful of the image they want to portray, and set a positive role model for future African American women. In my position paper, I will discuss why black women are negatively stereotype for being angry, welfare queens, and gold diggers, video vixens, & jezebels.
The Angry Black Women
Black women in America are stereotype for being angry. The angry black women also
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The phrase “welfare queen” refers to women who are accused of collecting excessive welfare payments through fraud or manipulation. Black women in particular abuse this system because they are lazy, have a lot of children and do not want to work. They are uneducated and rely on public assistance for food, shelter, and money. These women would rather live in poverty to raise their children than to lose their welfare benefits (Hancock, 2004). For example, in the movie “Precious” Mo’Nique plays as precious’s mom. Mo’Nique is on welfare and receives food stamps for Precious and her granddaughter. To maintain benefits for Precious and her granddaughter, Mo’Nique would lie to the social workers and stage domestic scenes. Monique was lazy and did not want to work. She was capable of working but chose not to (Pimpare, 2010). Yet, there are some women who are not consider welfare queens but in need for public assistance

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