It all started because because of a french courtesan, Rosalie Duthe, who was a trained ballet dancer. Duthe was famous for …show more content…
By only switching a single DNA ‘letter’ can change a blonde person to brunette. Professor David Kingsley, lead researcher, said “The genetic mechanism that controls blonde hair doesn’t alter the biology of any other part of the body.” Therefore, there is not really a gap of a difference between blondes and brunnettes or any other hair color.
Some people think blonde females are focused primarily on their appearance rather than caring about others. Some movies portray these females as selfish individuals who spend most of their time at the mall or salons. However, many women have proved this wrong. Kristen Bell, a blonde female actress, has an immense affection with animals. She has worked as an advocate for shelters and fostered animals. She also participated as a spokesperson for the Helen Woodward Animal Center. Consequently, Bell was honored with a Humane Award in 2009. This demonstrates how this individual shows kindness and concern for …show more content…
Elle Woods, the main character from Legally Blonde, was considered by others as a dumb woman. But what she really demonstrated was confidence that she had in herself. Nobody though she would pursue her career as a lawyer but she did. In both movies, Legaly Blonde and Legally Blonde 2, there was always someone who tried to ridiculized her. Although she felt rejected, she always found a way to show others that she was a trustworthy person that cared about them. At the end, they noticed the amazing, hard-working, and inspiring person she trully