There are different reasons why someone can end up homeless. In today’s economy it is an increasing reality. The website Homeless in America states that “in 2011, for every 10,000 individuals, there were about 21 homeless individuals.” (Homeless in America, 2012) The two populations I have chosen to discuss are the eldery and the new poor. Both of these populations have unique challenges to being homeless.…
Excellent point! I actually work with homeless and people ask me how do I work with those people? like homelessness is a disease of something but because the stereotype in the news/ media showing all homeless people as a drug addicts or ofenders. Nothing more inaccurate, anybody can lose their job and house whcih can lead in a person be in the…
There are many causes for why people are homeless. These include: loss of a job, cannot pay their bills, or their parents abandoned them. If people do not realize this and keep shaming these people, then that is their fault because these people have great insights and stories to share that they would have missed out on. I will end with a quote from a homeless person from one of my sources to show some sympathy for these people and to show that they really want to make a better life for…
Homeless people all around the world are starving and nobody is doing anything about it. Homelessness is defined as a person who "lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence." (Cite)They are starving because of the poverty in the world, the whole world's population as we know it, and community's pretending not to see it happening . Poverty is a big thing that affects homelessness in the U.S (cite) . The population increases every day and that makes the world more populated and creates more homeless people. The community pretends that they do not see people and just let them die right in their faces Worldwide, homelessness is caused by a breakdown in traditional family support systems, continued urbanization, the effects of structural adjustment programs, civil wars, and natural disasters. (Cite)…
Most of us pass by people we don’t normally notice in our everyday lives. Others pass by people and immediately ‘judge a book by it’s cover’. I usually never pay attention to those who I pass by because I am either too busy focusing on where I am going or have too much on my mind. I am not a multitasker. The only time I actually pay attention to someone is when they’re expressing their wardrobe, creating attention, or having a unique hairstyle. That is when I judging them inside my mind which is a bad habit because I am judging them and not even knowing the reason behind it.…
As News 18 reported this week, Lafayette area homeless shelters are turning away people because they are at capacity and can't take any more.…
Many people think homelessness is rare and only touches certain kinds of individuals. However, it is far more common than people believe and it touches almost every…
My friends and I left the restaurant, laughing. It was getting dark and the city was beautifully lit. We smiled and chatted as we walked through downtown. Suddenly my eyes fell on a young woman arranging her sleeping quarters in the middle of the sidewalk. She looked barely older than me - she could have easily been a college student. The girl sat down and pulled a few dirty blankets over her body, preparing for the night’s sleep. I was staggered by the similarities between the two of us. Her face stuck in my memory as I got home and climbed into my comfortable bunk bed. People my age weren’t supposed to be homeless, were they? Where was her family, her connections? Why would she be on the streets? Were there more people like her or was she an anomaly? I realized I knew nothing about homelessness and had instead been subconsciously analyzing it with my own preconceptions as a basis. But I wasn’t the only one allowing myself to remain so misinformed. Research shows there are almost ubiquitous misconceptions concerning homelessness and the stigma against it, especially when it comes to the demographics of the homeless population, the amount of crimes…
Making it more difficult to deal with is that many members of the public are disgusted by the appearance of some of the homeless or are intimidated by their presence on the streets, in post offices and in libraries. A lot of people look the other way, or wish the problem would just go away, or would like to relocate the homeless. And it doesn't help matters when public discourse includes descriptions of the homeless as "drunken bums," "derelicts" and worse. It is perfectly understandable that business owners do not want a homeless person leaning against their front window…
The homeless have been a problem in society for as long as the nation's existence. When one thinks of a homeless person, they see a middle-aged male figure. Some may also believe that race also plays a vital role in the forlorn because in urban areas black homeless stand out among the white. Worn clothes, scruffy beard, and alcohol on breath all spark the characteristics of the average homeless person in the mind of Americans. There are many stereotypes attached to homelessness, but are they really true? Can a homeless person be put into a single stereotype. We will be examining the typecast of self-infliction and what it entails.…
The word homeless means different things to the people who experience homelessness and people who observe homeless people. Around the world, an estimated 87% of people will turn the other way, walk across the street, or ignore homeless men and women on the street. These people living on the street are stereotyped as being lazy, or unwilling, to seek employment or housing.…
Homelessness is caused by certain circumstances that led people without a place to stay. Every person in life is worthy of having a place to live. Housing is one of the three necessities. People who do not have a stable home, are awaiting to face many challenges. Living on the street in a place like New York City is very dangerous. Even during the winter season, the weather is unbearable. It is too risky to have people living on the streets. Recently, there has been a tremendous increase in the amount of homeless people living in New…
In cities and towns across the United States ,people experience homelessness every day. Many see homeless people on the streets ,but walk past the homeless as if they were invisible. It is a problem Americans have become used to seeing. However, it is a problem that is not going away and one that affects thousands of people each year.…
Homelessness results from different things that can make people have to make the decision between food, clothing, shelter and other needs. Some people are homeless and it's nothing they could possibly do about it. The government must form more affordable housings, to support the people that are just unable to work, and get better wages. These things could put an end to homelessness in our country.The American people are willing to help, we must come together as one to end homelessness for our…
Homelessness is a growing social injustice in the United States. The degradation that these people face every day is terrifying. It is a crisis that we too often ignore, hoping it will restore itself. That assumption delivers a widespread lack of understanding about the facts that lead to homelessness. Homelessness exists as a problem that we should acknowledge and treat.…