Gender Stereotypes: This could involve an advert probably pointing to the fact that a particular gender is meant to make use of a particular product or article which is meant to be used by either gender or portraying a particular gender in an absolute manner. One must get familiar with the term gender to be able to really understand the concept of stereotyping among the ladies or the gent (the boys and the girls as for children). Gender Stereotyping basically is all about what the people of the society are convinced is the role of men and women. Certain activities are usually linked to the female gender, activities like keeping the house clean, doing all the kitchen stuffs (cook, bake etc) and handling the caring for the infants, while the male gender is associated with anything involving lifting and placing of heavy objects, cars and physical competitions. In most adverts involving boys, you tend to see advertiser portray the love of boys for cars or competing against fellow boys either in a game or even physically. Most toy adverts are usually aimed to sell to boys or girls seldom to both. For example a Barbie doll advert shows the girls in the advert dressed in pink, pastel colors dresses trying to portray sweetness, softness and gentleness of little young girls, adult watching this are wise enough to know that not all little girls are the syrupy images displayed in the commercial advert, majority of advert tends to indicate this so hereby omitting a bunch of soccer and other game loving tender age girls. Girls involvement in sport is very habitual than before, girls are still referred to as tomboys if they get involved in those games. As being competitive or involvement in sports is already connected to the male gender.
Aging Stereotypes: some advertisements and television series usually characterize the elderly as vulnerable children who are in need of protection and some sort of charity. But as the case may be with