In the United States anabolic androgenic steroids are classified as Schedule III controlled substances by way of the Steroid Control Acts of 1990 …show more content…
Again, gynecomastia and water retention can be avoided even with supraphysiological doses if proper supplementation practices are followed. If the individual avoids such effects as well as maintains a healthy blood pressure and cholesterol reading can this be labeled as steroid abuse? Of course not, and there is no argument to support it being actual abuse. As for the other effects mentioned, such as acne, hair loss and body hair growth, these are largely dependent on genetic response due to the use of steroids with high levels of androgenic activity. Many will not see such effects occur. Others, such as in the case of hair loss may very well find hair loss accelerated if they are predisposed to male pattern baldness. They were going to lose their hair anyway, but the use of steroids may speed it up. When we look at the issue of steroid abuse, any argument or discussion must include this type of relevant