& Olivia Grout
EDPE 414
6 Dec. 2012
Steroid Use in Sports
The NCAA and MLB have very different, yet strict drug policies that protect their athletes and run throughout their programs. Termed as “Performance Enhancers”, the NCAA bands any drug or hormonal substance that is chemically or pharmacologically related to testosterone, as well as any current illegal drugs. Stimulants, anabolic agents, masking agents, analogues, anti-estrogen and beta-2Aagonists are examples of currently banned substances. The MLB has a much more in-depth list of banned substances, including 70 banned steroids, 56 banned stimulants and 8 banned “drugs of abuse”. Among the 70 banned steroids, three of the most popular within professional sports …show more content…
Other negative health effects of steroid use are infertility in both men and women, negative effects on the liver, as well as ligament and tendon deficiency. Though, when strictly monitored by a physician, anabolic steroids have shown positive effects on patients (Sari, 2010). According to Sari, “synthetic analogues were initially developed to treat catabolic medical conditions”. These catabolic states of patients, in which anabolic steroids have been used, were osteoporosis, severe burns and even depression. Although we have seen situations in which steroid use is monitored and overseen by doctors, many professional athletes have not used such guidance. That being said, numerous people around the world believe that there are several pros and cons associated with the use of steroids. Aesthetically there are obvious pros that come with taking steroids, such as the increase in individual self-confidence due to an enhanced physical appearance. However, not all but most athletes take steroids mainly in order to increase physical performance and overall fitness. The way steroids increase muscle efficiency is by providing synthetic energy to them prior to a work-out and then shortening the amount of required rest time needed after a workout, therefore enabling athletes to not only workout harder, but for longer and more often also. Although an increase in …show more content…
Because of this, a paradox has emerged that in reality, the big business of sports doesn’t want to regulate the use of steroids because of how much revenue they bring into the industry. As supplement stores continue opening in every shopping center around the world, it now seems as if new supplements are being released every day which claim to produce the “bigger, stronger, faster” athlete. Also, because of how intertwined steroids are with sports now, fans have become use to seeing a certain brand of athletes on the field. Therefore, if agencies started to test and regulate all supplement use, athletes would no longer be as fast, big, or strong, which would result in a lower quality of play, and thus a loss of interest for everyone