I. Movie Opinion The writer of the script for this movie was the main character Steve Carell who plays Andy in the movie. Steve wrote this script to be a funny point of view on what it is like for a guy to try and lose his virginity. The movie’s main setting area is done within the characters workplace so to make it a believable scenario, Steve had to write in behaviors and situations that are the common experience for people that work. When he creates the personalities of the different characters, he is showing how people’s behaviors is a strong indicator on what kind of employees they will be at work. Not to …show more content…
mention, there is a continuum with these personality traits that can predict if an employee will show overall loyalty to a company’s goals or only be loyal to the company when it benefits their own goals. Comparatively, the movie does an adequate job in showing how emotional states can affect the performance of the work of employee who already scale high on CWB’s. We have all worked in a job with that one co-workers who always bring their personal problems to work. The common experience with these particular employee is they usually want to do minimum labor at work.
They often talk negatively about the company they work for but refuse to look for another job. It is not surprising that when stressors at work and in their personal life collide, they lose their composure and act inappropriately. The same way that Jay threatens another customer, and David almost gets fired for public nudity. Steve Carell used this common experiences that people have at work to connect us to his movie, so he could paint a picture we all could relate to. On the other hand, I think the movie could have been improved by having the boss of their work be more of a professional supervisor rather than someone who showed negative work behaviors too. She could have tried to implement an effective work design model that increased work satisfaction as well as work performance. Steve could have added this into the movie and put a funny spin to the character’s experience of their boss trying to make their work a better place. This added feature would have given the movie a more realistic familiarity with a movie largely based at work. All things considered, I would recommend
this movie to a person that enjoys a little crude comedy, or a person trying to analysis the way Hollywood understands the subjective experience of work when it comes to I/O Psychology constructs.