He and Vinny noticed that the subprime mortgage industry only stated their earnings and very little after that. Delinquency rates were not stated. Vinny realized that something was off as well. Eisman began calling out each subprime loan originators. After quiting at Oppenheimer, Eisman went to Chilton Investment. Since all of the subprime mortgage companies went out of business, he focused on Household Finance Corp. He found they were making dishonest mortgage loans. They were also making a high number of them. He teamed up with ACORN to take action against HFC. They found that the US Attorney General had also investigated but didn’t release their findings. The subprime industry grew to the top companies in mortgage lending. Lehman bros., Bear Sterns, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. Eisman and Vinny watched the market for the right time to
He and Vinny noticed that the subprime mortgage industry only stated their earnings and very little after that. Delinquency rates were not stated. Vinny realized that something was off as well. Eisman began calling out each subprime loan originators. After quiting at Oppenheimer, Eisman went to Chilton Investment. Since all of the subprime mortgage companies went out of business, he focused on Household Finance Corp. He found they were making dishonest mortgage loans. They were also making a high number of them. He teamed up with ACORN to take action against HFC. They found that the US Attorney General had also investigated but didn’t release their findings. The subprime industry grew to the top companies in mortgage lending. Lehman bros., Bear Sterns, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. Eisman and Vinny watched the market for the right time to