a) Leaders-follower
>Effective leader influences follower and their followers influence them. Effective followers share their idea and as a leader, they need to listen to others and implement their ideas to be effective.
Apple is creating something that they like and what they think the customers will like as well, so Apple keep on innovating new products for it’s customers.
b) Influence
>Influencing is the process of a leader communicating idea, gaining acceptance of them and motivating follower to support and implement the ideas through change. Influencing is about power, politics and negotiating, and it is also about the relationship between leader and followers
Steve Jobs has influenced five industries: computer, Hollywood, music, retailing and wireless phone/telecom. He is an influential founder of the PC industry. He also started NeXT and he contracted with Disney to create couple computer animated feature films. His innovation in iPod and iTunes store definitely affected the retailing of music. While iPhone influenced to the wireless phone/telecom.
c) Organizational Objective
>Influence the followers to do goods not only for themselves but also to the organization, set clear goals and outcomes that both wanted.
Steve Jobs mentioned, “Apple’s success comes from simply trying to make great products that we want for ourselves and then hope that customers love them as much as we do.”
d) Change
>Effective leader and followers must be open to change and are willing to take risk and try new things.
Steve Jobs is a visionary; Apple has continual and artful innovation in every aspect of its business. The launch of I pad was month ahead of the others
e) People
>Effective leadership is all about working with people, it is the collective efforts of all people contributing that make things happen.
Steve Jobs was said to be an outspoken ad not afraid to anger employees and customers.