When Jobs saw how his parents were spending their whole life savings for him to go to college he knew that dropping out of college was the right thing to do. After Jobs dropped out of College he began to work on Apple in his garage with his friend Steve Wozniak, and by the age of twenty Apple was established and it would soon blowup to make billions. After several years, Steve Jobs was fired from the company he came to create because of differences with the C.E.O and the board. During the brief period that Jobs was fired from Apple he founded Pixar, which was huge deal especially since it created the first computer animated film. And then he created NeXT. Eventually he was rehired by Apple after they bought NeXT from him and then he became the C.E.O of the company finally and he revolutionized the technology industry. (Isaacson, W, 2011)
Audience and Occasion Analysis Steve Jobs purpose at the graduation was to give the students their commencement address. Usually at elite universities like Stanford a notable person is brought out to give the commencement address, especially since it is one of the most respectable traditions in …show more content…
When taking a closer look at the speech, one will notice that the specific purpose was to entertain the audience as well as influence them with three stories about himself. The three stories or topics which he stated throughout the speech were connecting the dots, love and loss, and death. The central idea here then is to clearly give the audience a story about himself and relating it to the graduates in a way that will effectively entertain and influence them at the college graduation. Steve jobs gives us a topical speech where he describes the topics as stories. The three stories for the speech which were connecting the dots, love and loss and death were not previewed or discussed at the beginning of the speech which is usually done for an effective speech. Jobs simply states that he will be telling us three stories about himself at the beginning of his speech. The name of the stories or topics will be presented individually before he be begins to discuss each specific story. Jobs tell us his first story will be connecting the dots. He starts this topic by relating himself to the college students by telling them his college experience as well and why he decided to drop out of Reed College. He recognizes that if it wasn’t for dropping out of college then nobody would have the technology that Apple created. Jobs then moves on to his next story and tells us the name of the story