General purpose: to inform
Organizational outline method or pattern: topical
Attention getter: On June 12, 2005, Steve Jobs told the graduates of Stanford University to “Stay hungry, Stay foolish”
Specific purpose: The purpose of my speech is to inform all of you about a man that you may or may not already know, the founder of Apple Computers, Steve Jobs.
Listener relevance link: Most people may find this interesting because most of us use an Apple product, either an iPod or an iPhone but do not know exactly who is behind these products.
Establish speaker credibility and goodwill: Through my in-depth research, I have found that Steve Jobs is not only an entrepreneur but
a man of many words.
Preview of main points: Today, I will provide a brief biography of Steve Jobs and go in depth about his famous commencement speech and the impact it had on not only the students and faculty that was in attendance but the many people who have watched it since.
Transition statement: But before I begin, let me tell you a little bit about the man behind the speech.
Brief biography
Early years:
Personal life:
Professional life:
Transition statement: Now that I’ve provided a brief synopsis of the person’s life, let’s talk about one of his/her most famous speeches.
Famous speech (click on the person’s speech and analyze it)
The title of speech, where it took place, and its purpose
Speaker’s verbal delivery (one or two sentences)
Speaker’s nonverbal delivery (one or two sentences)
Transition statement: Now that I’ve provided an overview of his/her most famous speeches, let’s talk about the impact or the effects of that speech on society.
Impact or effects of the speech on society
Impact 1:
Impact 2:
Impact 3:
Specific purpose restatement: The purpose of my speech was to inform you about……
Main point summary: Today, I have provided a brief biography of the person’s life, one of his/her famous speeches, and the impact of that famous speech.
Clincher: [use either a quotation, narrative, startling information/stats, question, or humor]
There are three (3) required references for the informative speech presentation, and they must be cited in either APA OR MLA style on the reference page. Feel free to use the suggested sources. If not, acceptable references include books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, journals, documentaries, movies, atlases, almanacs, and government publications. You are not allowed to use Wikipedia. Feel free to copy and paste the references provided on Blackboard’s “Speech Guides.”