A common theme occurring multiple times throughout the stories is the connections of people, amidst a wide treatment of human relationships which has influenced film largely. Movies such as; “Schindler’s List”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “Empire of the Sun” and “Amistad” add humanity back into the subject of War and slavery. These historical period movies keep the events from being forgotten, especially because of their popularity, along with reminding new generations of what happened and how people viewed that event, at the time when it was released. Through the years, these historical topics have been about facts and dates and events, but …show more content…
With the films recently, he addressed some other aspects of his life and since his family’s relatives are affected by the Holocaust, Spielberg directed and produced “Schindler’s List.” After the movie was released he founded the first organization primarily focused on collecting historical testimonies and writings from survivors of the Holocaust (The Shoah Foundation). People could take away that Spielberg invests in his movies and learn how much he puts his inspiration and emotion into his films. He is resurfacing historical issues such as racism (Color Purple and Amistad) and Nazism (Schindler's