In this essay, I really like the character Charles, who was courageous and caring. One night, inside their room, a sick Dutch Jew, Lakmaker, was suffering and wanted to go to the latrine. However, because of his illness, his body was way too weak to walk to the latrine, that eventually he fell to the ground and couldn’t help himself to stand up. He groaned of pain. If this occurred during the harsh days of Auschwitz, no one would bother to help him either. Lakmaker would hdddfave stayed under the ground until the next day, waiting for the death to approach, still groaning with pain. However, Charles lit the lamp and began to help Lakmaker. Even though Lakmaker’s bed was filthy and smelly, Charles silently “lifted Lakmaker from the ground with the tenderness of a mother, cleaned him as best as possible with straw taken from the mattress and lifted him into the remade bed in the only position in which the unfortunate fellow could lie. He scraped the floor with a scrap of tinplate, diluted a little chloramines and finally spread disinfectant over everything, including himself (pg 167).” Maybe Charles helped him because he never knew the hardships that occurred in Auschwitz and never been a beast before. But I was truly impressed by his humanity, who silently helped the ill, despite the fact that the illness could also transfer to him and considering about the contagious illness, he also spread the disinfectant over everywhere. I think he wanted to survive with most of the people inside the Ka-Be, that time.
The vast majority of the people who entered Auschwitz “survived” because there was absolutely NO extermination program. No one had even tried to kill them. Clearly, the Nazis could NOT possibly have been mass murderers as many of those same Jews alleged, WIESEL especially, after the war.