
Stickleback Evolution

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Stickleback Evolution
Hunter Urick
Stickleback Evolution
Section 22

Sticklebacks are small fish that live in the oceans, streams and lakes across the northern hemisphere (Millington, 2013). There are three types of triple spine stickleback fish that live in the wild; marine, sea-run, and freshwater. The marine fish only live and breed in the ocean. The sea-run fish live in the ocean but they travel to fresh water to breed. Freshwater sticklebacks of course live in the freshwater all their lives (Leady, 2013). Evolution is the change in allele frequencies of a population over successive generations. Sticklebacks are good for studying evolution because they show evolution from a fully armored fish to one with little armor in just 13 generations (Millington, 2013). The freshwater sticklebacks adapted to an environment where there weren’t nearly as many predators as there are in the ocean. Do changes in body structure reflect evolution? Yes they show that un-needed physical features are lost to help the population survive and adapt to a new environment. The pelvic girdle and pelvic spines will change over generations. I predict that I will find specific changes in two experiments that indicate that evolution is occurring in stickleback fish. There were no changes in the lab protocol in this lab. The directions were followed exactly as they were stated online. The data for the two comparisons of stickleback populations are shown in table one. The data for the comparison of the fossils of stickleback fish are shown in table two. The results from the fossils of different layers are shown in table three. Do changes in body structure reflect evolution? The pelvic girdle and pelvic spines will change over generations. I predict that I will find specific changes in two experiments that indicate that evolution is occurring in stickleback fish. In reference to the comparison of fish in Bear Paw Lake and Frog Lake, the difference in the sticklebacks’ pelvic

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