The Still Life with Peaches, Bread, Wine Glass, and Pitcher is a painting with very neutral and dark colors. The items in the painting seem to be set up on a ledge. Overlapping is seen between the bread and the straw dish in which the peaches lay. The wine glass and pitcher are of a clear color so it reflects the color of the background. The peaches are the brightest item in the painting making it the most noticeable. Large scratches and scuffs mar the ledge in which the items are on. The bread is half eaten and has bite marks. Items on the ledge are …show more content…
Line is one of the elements used in this still life. To show that the items are placed on a ledge the artist uses lines. Lines go vertical to show that part of the wall is indented. Curved lines are also used to show the overall shape of the peach and wine glass and pitcher. Lines cross when it comes to the straw tray which holds the peaches. Another element is form the peaches are angled and colored in a way to make them look as if though they were three dimensional. Also, when you look down at the wine glass it looks like it has depth. The final element I saw was value. The background has many different shades of the same colors. On the top left corner of the painting the colors are extremely dark, but as you go down diagonally to the bottom left the colors get lighter. The peaches also have value. In the middle the value is very light but as it goes outward the value gets darker. Same goes for the bread, the top is very dark while the shades go down on the bottom of the