The cardiovascular system is comprised of the heart, arteries, vains, cappiliaries and blood. Each componet has specific jobs and if this system alone fails the entire body will fail. The heart is composed of four chambers the left and right atrium and the left and right ventrical. The heart is the brain, so to speak, of the cardiovascular system. Unoxygenated blood is pumped from the right side of the heart to the lungs to rid blood cells of carbon dioxcide. After the lungs are finished providing oxygen to the same cells who went to the heart to get rid of carbon dioxcide the blood is returned to the left side of the heart to be carried to the rest of the body. Arteries carry oxygenated blood throughout the rest body to provide oxygen to the numerous other organ systems. Vains carry the unoxygenated blood back to the heart to return back to the pulmonary cycle. Cappiliaries are smaller vessels that are branched off of arteries and vains to transport blood to extremeties as well as the surface of the skin. Blood is mostly made up of red blood cells.
The cardiovascular system helps to maintain the nervous system by bringing oxygen to the central nervous system. The brain and the spinal cord compose the central nervous system that acts as a motherboard for the rest of the body, allowing humans to make choices, learn, create and understand. The brain needs to have a continues flow of blood, so when there is a malfunction within the cardiovascular system