Why we kept these stocks;
Focus on FUTURE & what was created or expanded. Compay changes in management or business structure. Etc.
Many high profile insider investments lead me to believe in the company. Mr. Morfit, General Director of Microsoft, is stepping up to the plate again and buying more shares on a recent pullback. This leads us to believe he is very pleased with the new CEO and sees big things in the future for this ‘mature tech’ stock. We’re overall very comfortable with the future outlook & direction of the tech giant.
The Geo Group (GEO)
The GEO Group is a real-estate investment trust. They are profitable and growing sustainably. They specialize exclusively in the ownership, leasing and management of correctional, detention and re-entry facilities. They also provide provisions of community-based services and youth services. This all takes place in the United States, Australia, South Africa, the United Kingdom and Canada. With the prison system as unbelievably full as it currently is, (US currently has the largest prison population the country has ever seen) and no reform on the horizon for these systems in the foreseeable future, this is a very safe & profitable investment.
Costco (COST)
Costco does one thing better than any other store of its kind. Supply chain & distribution management. Where most groceries stores take on average 1 &1/2 -2 weeks to receive fresh products from their sources, Costco averages just over 4 days. When you purchase milk from Costco, the expiration date is consistently 2 to 3 weeks longer than that of traditional grocery stores. With their large buying power, they are able to sustain massive growth while maintaining this core value. Intrinsically this places them as a front-runner in the foreseeable future for public appeal.
United States OIL ETF (USO)
Energy is a smart long-term investment. We will always need more and more. As it’s a company with pipelines already in the ground that