II. 10 Transactions Chosen and Why
1. SPY – S&P Depository Receipts We Invested in SPY because we wanted to focus on investing in ETF’s. SPY is a sector of the S&P depository receipts and has companies such as Exxon Mobile, Apple and Microsoft as some of their holdings. Investing into SPY allowed us to invest into multiple well known stocks that create high rewards with low risk and volatility in one ETF stock.
2. MSFT – Microsoft Corp
We wanted out portfolio to be diversified and invested into MSFT. This was our main technology investment that came at a fairly cheap price.
3. SYY – Sysco Inc
We invested in SYY because after doing some research online and in the wall street journal we noticed that SYY executives claimed their end of the quarter earnings was double of what they expected and that they expected to make even more profit in the next quarter. We invested with hopes of hitting it big, however, SYY never took off and we were losing money for most