Introduction: For this experiment, we use Stoichiometry and limiting reactant. The limiting reactant refers to the reactant that controls the amount of product that is …show more content…
We specifically used a plastic foam cup, since it isolates heat and makes it more precise when it comes to monitor the temperature. During the reaction of the acids (HCl and H2SO4) with sodium hydroxide, we monitored the temperature change, since chemical reactions always absorb or liberate heat energy as they occur. Besides, the amount of heat transferred is proportional to the amount of the product that has been formed. By performing several reactions of HCl and H2SO4 with the base NaOH in which the amount varies, we determined the stoichiometric ratio in which these substances react. We start by monitoring the reaction of HCl and NaOH. Using several graduated cylinders, we measured the amount of each substance as specified in the table I from our Chemistry lab manual. Then, we proceeded to pour the substances on the plastic foam cup and with the thermometer we carefully stir the mixture. Before monitoring the temperature of the reaction, we registered the initial temperature. Finally, we registered the highest temperature reached in the reaction. After this, we poured the mixture in the designated waste recipient. Additionally, we rinsed and dry the plastic foam cup. We continued the experiment by performing the additional trials indicated in the Table I. After having finished with the table I, we replaced the plastic cup for a new one, in order to perform the same experiment with the only difference that in this case we made use of a different acid, H2SO4, but with the same base,