The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a U.S. House of Representatives bill with the stated purpose, "To promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property, and for other purposes." (1) SOPA proposes to accomplish those goals by allowing the U.S. Department of Justice and copyright owners to take action against websites thought to be facilitating copyright infringement.…
The article “The Yin and Yang of Copyright and Technology” discusses copyright laws and the Rojadirecta Case in which Congress made it possible for the federal government to seize domain names associated with Websites where allegedly infringing behavior was taking place or being facilitated.…
Their contemporaries described them as “Robbers, Opposers, and Violators of all Laws, Humane and Divine.” Many viewed themselves as a more selfish reincarnation of Robin Hood, stealing from wealthy merchants, foreign traders, and abusive captains, and in doing so, threatening the hierarchical status quo of sixteenth and seventeenth English society by declaring “war against the world.” The Law considered them hostes humani generis, enemies of all mankind. In reality, pirates of the Golden Age, a period loosely covering the years 1660-1730, were none of those things, or perhaps more accurately, were not one but a combination. They were all robbers, since piracy in its most elementary definition is nothing more than a robbery at sea, something…
The Internet has become a popular source of mainstream media. A battle is raging over the control of the Internet, and the rights of the American people are at stake. The documentary Killswitch, exposes the true power of the Internet and how the government is controlling that power; violating freedom of speech and the right to privacy. The documentary takes a stand in favor of Net Neutrality, which is the principle that the Internet enables access to all-content without choosing or blocking certain websites. The efforts of Aaron Swartz and Edward Snowden to win back Internet freedom are highlighted in this documentary in order to appeal to American citizens to take action in favor of Net Neutrality. “Freedom is embedded in technology and we have to protect technology if we want to protect our freedom” (Killswitch). Internet regulation grants power to the Government and violates constitutional rights of Americans hindering the Nation’s founding principle of democracy.…
Advancements in today's technology have allowed users to access and use computer programs, movies, music and other multimedia for which they have not purchased. Technological advancements are coming along at such a quick pace that the enforcement of copyright laws cannot keep pace. Music piracy exploded in the late 1990's and caused groups such as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) to crack down on companies such as Napster that provided that provided free music downloads. The number of lawsuits against individuals who illegally download music has escalated to the point that people are now switching to legal internet sites that sell music downloads. The ethicality of this issue has touched many people throughout the world…
Net Neutrality is a topic of debate and confusion in the United States. It draws supporters as diverse as the Christian Coalition and, pits traditional telecommunications companies like Verizon and Comcast against Internet giants such as Yahoo! and Google, and gives politicians yet another platform to raise an ongoing liberal-conservative debate over government regulation. So what is all this talk about? Philosophically, Net Neutrality is an ethical framework to govern access to the Internet. It advocates no restrictions on content, sites, or platforms, on the kinds of equipment that may be attached, and on the modes of communication allowed. In 2005, the FCC embedded these principles into its policy with an objective to “encourage broadband deployment and preserve and promote the open and interconnected nature of the public Internet” (Policy Statement). This statement and proposed additional legislation is the source of continued controversy today. Fundamentally, the debate is grounded in opinions of necessity of Internet regulations and the repercussions of action or inaction. This paper will attempt to provide a context for the debate, a better understanding of the regulation and the possible implications, and a summary of the differing views.…
A writer for Wired, a technology focused magazine and website, even states, “Net neutrality is a dead man walking. The execution date isn’t set, but it could be days, or months (at best)” (Ammori). This is assumed quite a bit in part because the court systems that struck down the original FCC rules seems to be heavily in favor of corporations over the public interest. It also doesn’t help that ISPs are currently offering a false compromise with the FCC. The current rules that the FCC is voting on would allow the FCC to tell ISPs that they are not allowed to block sites entire for no reason, but they would be allowed to throttle any website for any reason of their choosing. This is very worrying, because as Marvin Ammori put it, “Once the court voids the nondiscrimination rule, AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast will be able to deliver some sites and services more quickly and reliably than others for any reason. Whim. Envy. Ignorance. Competition. Vengeance. Whatever. Or, no reason at all.” If our internet is controlled by the decisions of corporations we are in for a bleak future. Websites like Wikipedia, which provide a wealth of free information, would have trouble being able to provide their services to the public for free as they would be facing a set of fees assessed by each ISP based off of the amount of users that access their website. Free sites that share information with people…
In this article of “Kill the Internet- and Other Anti-SOPA Myths”, the author Goldberg indicates that basically anything that was posted on the internet was at risk with the anti-piracy. This is just technically stating that everything that is posted on the internet has the ability to be plagiarized or abuse the copyright act. As well as Google’s ability to be making money off of everything that is being posted onto their website ( “Google alone generated more than $37 billion in 2011, more than double the revenue of all record companies, major and indie combined” ).…
“In 2001, the International Telecommunication Union calculated that, approximately 2.3 billion people had internet access at the end of that year. Since then, the percentage of people using the internet around the world has continued to grow” (Li 2). Censoring the internet has been a hot topic for quite a while now. Many people believe that censoring the web isn’t a good thing because of certain laws and rights we have as citizens. The internet has some cons but it also has many pros. The downside of the censorship is that the truth is blocked out and it violates our freedom of speech. On the other hand, censorship of the internet can reduce the numbers or even stop human trafficking, prevent identity theft, stop cyber bullying and so much…
With the internet changing constantly every day the United States Congress are implementing many legislative acts to address concerns with the usage of different kinds of technology. There are many advances in information technology that resulted in ethical issues such as the creation of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) which was put into law in the year of 2000 by Congress. This law addresses any concerns about access to offensive content on the internet in the schools and libraries. Children and teenagers are exposed to the internet daily in schools, public, and at home. The internet can expose children to inappropriate material and predators online. The schools and libraries must enforce an Internet safety policy that contains protection measures, which block or filter the internet access to images that are obscene, child pornography, and what is harmful to minors. The main purpose of the act is to protect children from the dangers that the internet has ("Federal Communications Commission", n.d.).…
One reason to my decision on agreeing is the leading affect of progressive voices and outlets of skillful writers work is being taken into someone else’s work. According to the Politics website, the legislation would allow copyright holders and the justice Department to seek court orders against websites associated with copyright infringement. To the legislative, they believe that the copyright holders chances of winning is not very high. They see coping as a threat to publishers and should be banned even if internet websites lose business.…
I’m sure when you use the internet, you love being able look-up, watch, and read whatever you want. You may not even know it, but the freedom to do what you want on the internet is in danger. Every Time you use the internet, you’re doing so thanks to something called “Net Neutrality”. Net neutrality is a basic internet principle that outlaws Internet Service Providers or ISPs like Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint from speeding up, slowing down or blocking any content, applications or websites. Without net neutrality, companies would be able to block of slow down sites that they are competing with, essentially creating a monopoly. These standards were solidified in 2015 when the Federal Communications Commission or FCC fully adopted strong Net Neutrality Rules in a document called Title II of the…
287 million people use the internet in the United States of America every day. Nearly all of them could never imagine coming home and not being able to access Facebook, YouTube, or even Netflix. Without the protection Net Neutrality provides, this could happen. Net Neutrality is a principle in place that makes sure that all internet users have access to all content, regardless of source without Internet Service Providers (ISPs) giving unfair pricing, slowing down internet speed for certain sites, or blocking sites altogether. Despite the fact that many people argue against Net Neutrality, we as a nation should keep Net Neutrality for the sake of our citizens.…
If big successful tech companies (who are specialists in that area) are against the legislation then obviously, the legislation isn't going to help the internet. It probably says something if Internet giants like Twitter, Wikipedia, Google and Facebook all disapprove of the legislation [4]. They don’t want to be held accountable and take the brunt force of the punishment for the faults of many of their users who themselves aren’t as pressured to comply with the laws. Keep in mind that these tech giants are hosts of millions of gigabytes of data and many of users so it’s not an easy task to keep track of who infringed on copyright. To not be held accountable, they’d have to change how they work at a huge level [4]. Those that support SOPA and…
If we could define our society by just one tool, it would be the internet. We use it to communicate, catch the latest news, research a topic, manage our finances, and so much more. Through the internet, individuals have been able to voice their opinion to millions. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other websites have become the greatest platform for free speech in the history of mankind. But many view this platform for speech as potentially dangerous. Racist groups use the web to promote their causes. Even worse, criminals will use the internet as an instrument of evil. They can spread child pornography, or teach others to make bombs for use in a deadly terrorist attack. With problems like these, we must ask: What is the role of government in…