Stop Whale Hunting
IWC (International Whaling Commission) banned the commercial whaling in 1986. The main reason is with the increase of human and hunting technology, the speed of catching these whale exceed the sustainable stock of whales. Although IWC had already come out such a clear policy, some pro-whaling countries are still doing the whale hunting----for scientific research. Since 1930, with the increase of human demand and technology, human beings are putting more and more whale species in an endangered list. According to Earth’s Endangered creatures, 11 species of whales’ are considering as endangered species. Unfortunately, some of these species are still in the whaling list. People should stop whale hunting because this is immoral and exceed the sustainable stocks of whales. Since this policy came out, there are two different voices. Pro-whaling countries wish to lift the ban and anti-whaling countries think this policy should permanently exist. First reason for pro-whaling countries is their history. For example Japan---the main pro-whaling country, they have a long history of whale hunting, and consequently they came out different thoughts of how to treat these ocean mammals. "Whales are just as important, and no more special, than any other fish," says Japan Fisheries Agency spokesperson Hideki Moronuki (Toko, 2007). But it was not a reason to hurt the entire environmental balance. And this reason was not too strong enough to support Japanese whaling system to against such a big anti-whaling circle. Actually the one of those real objections is Japanese are killing those whales for their oil and meat. Japanese love sea food. But eating whales’ meat was not simple as eating the other fish species in the ocean. A study that is in the June 15 edition of the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology indicate that packaged whale meat in Japan contains dangerously high levels of mercury. (Graham, 2003) Which means:
References: ANGIER, N. (2010, June 28). Save a whale, save a soul, goes the cry. Retrieved from GALBRAITH, K. (2013, April). Campaigns on Multiple Fronts Against Whale Hunting Retrieved from U.S Geological Survey. (2009). Retrieved from USGS website: Sekiguchi, T. (n.d.). Retrieved from,8599,1686486,00.html Graham, S. (n.d.). Retrieved from