Mallard a new life, but a chance at happiness. This is not to say that she dread the life of marriage, but for once it meant that things could be done her way. The death of her husband created a portal, similar to the open window that would allow her to experience life in a whole new way. Taking in the fresh air was as though she was breathing for the first time like a new baby being welcomed into this world. She had the feeling of being a new woman; one with much liberation than before. The essence of the trees experiencing spring which Mrs. Mallard saw was a symbol of a new beginning. Her friend told her she would kill herself over the grief, but little did her friend know Mrs. Mallard had the feeling of a prisoner being
Mallard a new life, but a chance at happiness. This is not to say that she dread the life of marriage, but for once it meant that things could be done her way. The death of her husband created a portal, similar to the open window that would allow her to experience life in a whole new way. Taking in the fresh air was as though she was breathing for the first time like a new baby being welcomed into this world. She had the feeling of being a new woman; one with much liberation than before. The essence of the trees experiencing spring which Mrs. Mallard saw was a symbol of a new beginning. Her friend told her she would kill herself over the grief, but little did her friend know Mrs. Mallard had the feeling of a prisoner being