Mallard sat in a chair that was described as comfortable and roomy. When sitting down in the chair she was “pressed down by a physical exhaustion”, symbolizing that she was feeling weighed down by the information that pressed her soul and changed her entire life (Chopin 115). She uncontrollably sobbed while sitting in the chair which was compared to a child that continued to “sob in its dreams”, once it fell asleep (Chopin 115). While sitting in the chair the woman saw a cloudy sky with patches of blue sky shining through. This very important symbolism shows that even though the woman had received the worst news she could ever receive about her husband, there was still some sort of good to come through this horrible situation. This is the first sign during the story that there is some optimism inside the woman’s …show more content…
Mallard felt released from the constraints that people often feel when they are with their husband or wife. This invisible although very strong force of opinion and opposing will can often strangle the love out of a relationship. The author writes that “A kind intention or a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime”, speaking of the will imposed by a lover (Chopin 116). It matters not of the intention, when someone feels oppressed by another, the reason the oppressor does it matters not. The author was using this to set make the tone lighter and to capture the reader’s thoughts about how bad a woman is for having these thoughts and considering her of the victim because he imposed his will upon