The science of today is the Technology of tomorrow.
(Edward Teller, American Physicist and Author)
The 21st century has witnessed an age for Organisations to follow the flow of the technological pragmatic shift from manual to automation of their business processes, procedures and activities. As a result, organisations are being driven towards the technological frontier in the opportunity to acquire more new customers and attain a competitive advantage over their competitors. In this modern era, the use of Information Systems (IS) have played a major role for Organisations to transform society, creating innovative and easier ways of managing their business operations. Information systems (IS) can be defined as set of interrelated components working together to collect, process, store and disseminate information to support decision making, coordination, control, analysis and visualization in an organisation. (Laudon & Laudon, 2002, p.7).
The aim of this assignment is to explain the practical application and limitations of using Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) and Executive Support Systems (ESS) towards my chosen organisation, Sony. The next section of this essay will explain the role information systems and how their management and led change has impacted upon the organisation itself, providing clear justifications and examples.
Altogether there are six types of Information Systems performing at six different levels of Sony. Fig 1 provides a diagrammatical view as to where TPS and ESS lie in Sony’s information systems structure.
The main purpose of Information systems like TPS and ESS at Sony, is to achieve it’s special criterion objectives for which it has been built for, where
References: Dashboard (2007), Dashboards by example, Volume 1 [Online] Accessed: 22-02-08 Executive Dashboard (2007), Obtain a high level overview of system activities [Online] JPU (2007), BPC, Transaction Processing Systems [Online] Hussain, Z. (2008), Strategic Information Systems Module Lecture Slides via Blackboard [Online] Laudon et al (2002), Management information systems : managing the digital firm, 7th edition, Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall International Strategic Management (2007), PEST Analysis [Online] Accessed: 12-2-08 Sony (2007) Starking et al (1998) business information technology- systems, theory and practice (1st edition), London, Pearson education LTD Tech (2008), Tech Encyclopaedia, EIS, CMP Media [Online] Chaffey, D.Wood, S. (2005), Business Information Management, Improving Performance Using Information Systems , London: Marketing Insights Limited. Ciborra, C New York : Wiley Dashboard (2007), Dashboards by example, Volume 1 [Online] Elliott, G. (2004), Global business information technology: An integrated systems approach, Harlow : Pearson Addison Wesley. Executive Dashboard (2007), Obtain a high level overview of system activities [Online] Accessed: 23-02-08 Galliers et al (1999), Strategic information management : challenges and strategies in managing information systems, Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann Hussain, Z. (2008), Strategic Information Systems Module Lecture Slides via Blackboard [Online] JPU (2007), BPC, Transaction Processing Systems [Online] Kelly, F. (1994), Implementing an Executive Information System [Online] NetMBA (2007), PEST Analysis [Online] Accessed: 12-2-08 Sony (2007) Starking et al (1998) business information technology- systems, theory and practice (1st edition), London, Pearson education LTD Steven, A Tech (2008), Tech Encyclopaedia, EIS, CMP Media [Online]