Like most organisations, Pep stores was concerned with the long-term sustainability of the organisation, profits/financial performance, market performance and the satisfying its stakeholders, including the shareholders. With these factors often contradicting each other it is clear Pep stores struggled through the 1990’s balance these competing forces in other to achieve their organisational objectives.
The case study of Pep Stores therefore presents a number of paradoxes. As a company seeking competitive advantage, it is evident that the organisation is constantly battling to expand certain factors that are apparently in conflict with one another. The company itself is apparently successful in managing emergent change, having found itself in a situation of declining financial performance and eventually succeeding in bringing the organisation back to into profit. Various paradoxical issues and a series of inter-dependent choices are at play as the management of Pep Stores search for the winning strategic position (De Wit and Meyer, 2004). Pep Stores struggle along the way to balance the competitive nature of strategy and it is apparent that they emerge from very uncertain conditions a changed organisation in many ways. The case study appears to suggest that Pep Stores was originally unaware of the competing nature of strategy and focussed heavily on growth, ignoring other factors. However it is possible that for Pep Stores to emerge with a distinct strategy as a result of changes in both the internal and external environment, then it must have been aware of these factors, balanced it and deliberately took its strategic position. The organisation was however did not anticipate the change that was to come, perhaps because strategy generates fear and paradoxes (de Wit and Meyer, 2004), which can be difficult to reconcile, causing Pep Stores to loose its strategic focus
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