Values Towards E pl y V l T d Employees
Wh t values d y fi d pt t d What l does your firm adopt towards employees? How consistently are these values expressed? T what extent are the fi ' employee values th firm's pl y l To h t t t felt to be fair by the employees themselves? How does the firm's values support its firm s performance targets? To what extent are y happy with y you ppy your f firm's values towards its employees?
Values Towards Customers V l T d C t
Wh t values d d its What l does y your fi adopt t firm d pt towards it customers? To what extent are employees' dedicated to employees p providing customer satisfaction? g T what extent are customers'' expectations t p t ti To h t t t exceeded by your firm's products/services? firm s To what extent do employees' champion the employees firm's products/services? firm s To what extent are y happy with y you ppy your f firm's values towards its customers?
Values Towards Shareholders
What values does your firm adopt towards its shareholders? To what extent does the Annual Report and Accounts represent your firm's true position? To what extent do shareholders receive a fair shareholders' return on their investment? To what extent does the strategic decision making process take account of shareholders'' views? t k t f h h ld i ? To what extent are you happy with your firm's values towards its shareholders?
The Six V l Th Si Value Domains D i
Values Towards