Businesses are set with so many objectives. Some of these objectives relate toprofitability, productive efficiency, growth, technological dynamism, stability, self-reliance, survival, competitive strength, customer service, financial solvency, productquality, diversification, employee satisfaction and welfare, and so on.
A company’s strategy consists of the combination of competitive moves and businessapproaches that managers employ to please customers, compete successfully andachieve organizational objectives.Strategy they say is the overall plan for developingresources to establish of gain a competitive advantages over competitors or a favorableplan in an organization.
According to Johnson G./Scholes K./Whittington R in their book, “ExploringCorporateStrategy; 8th edition”, strategy is defined as “the direction and scope ofan organizationoverthe long-term, whichachieves advantage in a changingenvironmentthrough itsconfiguration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholderexpectations”.
Electrolux brand both globally and across all product categories.
The achievement of advantage may be in different ways and interpreted differently. Fororganizations to take advantage of completion, it has to improve its cost positionstrategically through better coordination at the global level. Example is when Electroluxlaunched a project designed to drastically reduce the number of suppliers.
The organization’s resources and competence is also an important feature of strategy. The resource-based view of strategy is about exploiting the strategic capabilities of thefirm in terms of its resources and competencies to provide competitive advantage. Byresources, we mean financial, human and the organization’s resources which are moreimportant in the implementation of strategic decisions. For example, at Electrolux, agreat deal of