Indeed, the statement “In writing mission statements, you are creating a brief description of what you want to focus on and what you want to accomplish…” asks to clarify the concept. In a premier step and using the previous wording, it will be interesting to understand and define this concept, then compare it with different points of view. In a second part, we will ask ourselves how establish a good mission statement, and why it is a compulsory step in a strategic management process.
Today, it is very easy to find a mission statement on companies’ websites or brochures. For this reason, we must determine the relevance and the usefulness of this tool. However, in a first step and by reading the statement given, we should define the mission statement and differentiate it to objective, visions and values. Indeed, the statement can be confused because it is possible to interpret it as a definition of an objective.
We can read a lot of works in which the concept of the mission is not