TABLE OF CONTENTS Item | Description | Page | 1 | Welcome to Paper Overview Paper Level & PointsHours TaughtDelivery ModeIndependent Study | 3 | 2 | Teaching Team & Contact Details | 3 | 3 | Paper Information 3.1 Pre-requisite Requirements 3.2 Paper Aim3.3 Learning Outcomes 3.4 Content | 34 | 4 | AUTonline Programme Organisation | 4 | 5 | TextsRequired TextsRecommended Texts | 4 | 6 | Weekly Programme | 4 | 7 | Assessment InformationBusiness Assessment & Study HandbookExtensions and other Special Consideration Applications (SCAs) Assessment StructureExam Timetable Location Pass RequirementsAssessment DetailsPeer Assessment FormMarking guides | 55556777-111213-15 |
1 Welcome to Strategic Management of the Bachelor of Business, Graduate Diploma in Business, Graduate Certificate in Business and BBus Conjoint Programmes.
You are expected to read the contents of this study guide, also available on AUTonline under “All My Courses”.
This paper runs for 14 weeks (12 in class and 2 reading/exam weeks), and has one 1.5 hour lecture per week and one 1.5 hour workshop. Students will be required to supplement each hour of class with 3-4 hours of their own work. This is a level 7 paper, worth 15 points.
2 Teaching Team and Contact Details
Teaching Team | Phone | E-mail Address | Office Hours | Dr Simon Mowatt* | Ext 5424 | | TBA on AUTOnline | Dr Simon Martin | Ext 5087 | | TBA on AUTOnline |
Paper Co-ordinator*
3 Paper Information
3.1 Prerequisite requirements
Students must have taken any TWO of the following papers before they can take this paper:
466641, 466642, 466645, 466646, 466648, 466649,