An effective way of attracting customers is food marketing. Marketing creates a desire for the people who saw the advertising which will entice the customers to buy the product. The company should advertise in a way that all the people who saw the advertisement can easily remember the product. In an article of emedicinehealth at, food marketing is one of the influences on what people will eat. It is already in our culture, as Filipinos, the love of bread and for that, bread is very saleable to the market. The problem for a bakeshop like Park n’ Go will be, how are they going to be the most favourable bakeshop for the Filipinos? That question will be answered on how they are introducing their products to the market. A factor to make the bakeshop favourable to the public is the availability of their stores. Stores should be very accessible and attractive to look at. And also, one of the most targeted markets of Park n’ Go are the mothers which will choose the food for their children. They will not just choose the nutritious foods but also the comforting ones. So, Park n’ Go should plan to have not just nutritious breads but also comforting breads for the buyers.…