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Strategic planning is the overall planning that facilitates the good management of a process by taking employees outside the everyday activities of their organization and provides them actual representation of what they are doing and where they are going. A Strategic planning process includes mission statement, goals for accomplishing mission, approaches for implementing goals, action plans and monitoring and updating of plan. Various models/techniques such as iconic, analog and quantitative are used for different phases of decision-making (Intelligence, design, choice, implementation and monitoring). In addition, for decision making in strategic planning process various types of information and decision support systems are used. Some of them are Decision Support Systems (DSS), Executive Information Systems (EIS), and Business Intelligence Systems (BIS).
Keywords: Strategic Planning, Decision Support Systems (DSS), Executive Information Systems (EIS), Business Intelligence Systems (BIS), Decision Support Tools (DST), Executives Information Systems (EIS), Business Intelligence Systems (BIS), OLAP, Group support Systems (GSS), Management Information Systems (MIS), Expert Systems (ES), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) and CASE tools.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Strategic Planning
III. Strategic Planning Process
IV. Techniques/Models Used for Decision Making
V. Decision Making Phases
VI. Decision Support Systems
VII. Executive Information Systems
VIII. Business Intelligence (Systems)
IX. Conclusion
X. Reference
XI. Appendix
I. Introduction
Decision-making at various levels and stages of organization is an important task.