313418 Business Analysis for Management 542 February 2012 This unit is managed by School of Management/CBS Page 16 of 20 CRICOS Provider Code WA 00301J, NSW 02637B SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Research Report COVER SHEET | GROUP Name: Group 9 | ASSIGNMENT: Written Report | Unit Name | MANAGEMENT 542 (Business Analysis) | Unit Index No. | 313418 | LECTURER | A/Prof Chris van Tonder | SEMINAR Day/Time | WED: 11h00 – 14h00 |
Dong Liang ID:14095278
Soobraty Fadil: 13795412
Kang Shi: 14341269
Rhianwen : 14983632
Contents Introduction/Executive Summary 3 Case Organisation 4 Current strategic positioning 5 Internal Strategic Position 5 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS 10 Analysis of company’s Strategic Choices & Implementation considerations 12 Strategic Options 13 Recommended Strategic Choice: Mixed Strategy 15 Recommendations 16 Conclusion 17 References 18 Appendix 21
Introduction/Executive Summary
This report provides an analysis of current strategic position, strategic choices and implementation of BHP Billiton. Several methods included in the analysis of strategic position such as company value chain, Porter five forces, SWOT and PESTEL analysis. A lot of those analyses are available in details in the appendix section. The strategic options have been formulated using TOWS matrix, Internal/External matrix and Ansoff Matrix. The recommended strategic choice is the most appropriate when taking the strategic position into account. Then we’ve discussed on the strategic action of our chosen strategy and recommendation was given. There are some limitations in the report which include the lack of strategic theories because we’ve concentrate more on apply different concept.
Case Organisation
BHP Billiton Group is world’s largest diversified natural resources company. The group has a global presence with more than 100 operations in 25 countries. It is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and employs about 41,000
References: Anglo American. 2009. Anglo Ferrous metals- Minas Rio Project: Investor Presentation Brasilia. http://www.investis.com/anglo_report_pdf/AFM-Minas-Rio-FINAL.pdf Created 07/10/09(Accessed 22/04/12) Angwin, D., S BHP Billiton. 2012a. Our Strategy Delivers. http://www.bhpbilliton.com/home/aboutus/strategy/Pages/default.aspx (Accessed 22/04/12) BHP Billiton, Annual Report 2011 http://www.bhpbilliton.com/home/investors/reports/Documents/2011/2011AnnualReport.pdf(Accessed 1/05/2012) BHP Billiton Ltd (BHP) http://www.reuters.com/finance/stocks/overview?symbol=BHP(accessed 22/4/2012) BHP Billiton, Strategic Option 2007 http://pierre.benain.free.fr/MBA698%20BHP%20Billiton%20Report.pdf(Accessed 1/05/2012) Black, J.A Hay Group. 2011. BHP Billiton amongst FORTUNE Magazine/ Hay Group World’s Most Admired Companies. http://www.haygroup.com/downloads/au/misc/hay_group_-_fortune_press_release.pdf Created 07/03/12(Accessed 22/04/12) Hill, C; G, Jone Hubbard, G. & P. Beamish. 2011. Strategic Management: Thinking, Analysis, Action. 4th Edition. Frenchs Forest: NSW: Pearson Australia. MacLeod, A., McGrath, R.G, I.C. MacMillan. 2005. BHP Billiton. www.marketbusting.com/casestudies/BHP%20Billiton.pdf Published 06/07/05(Accessed 22/04/12) Malone, S http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/26/us-corporate-china-idUSBRE83P1IR20120426(accessed 26/4/2012) Michael E Michael E. Porter, Competitive Strategy (New York: The Free Press, 1980): pp. 34-44(Scholarly) Miller, D Porter, Michael E., "Competitive Advantage". 1985, Ch. 1, pp 11-15. The Free Press. New York.(Scholarly) Rio Tinto Zacks Investment Reseach. 2012. BHP Upgrades on Industrial Optimism. http://www.dailymarkets.com/stock/2012/03/26/bhp-upgrades-on-industrial-optimism/ Published 26/03/12(Accessed 22/04/12) Appendix