Our country is endowed with a good degree of ethnic and regional diversity. About three fourth of the total population resides in the rural areas and majority of them are dependent upon agriculture and micro village industries for their subsistence. The development of the nation largely, depends upon the development of the rural population. Mahatma Gandhi had once said: “India’s way is not Europe’s, India is not Calcutta and Bombay, India lives in her several hundreds of villages” (Gomathi Viswanathan, D, 2008).
The rapid economic growth of-any developing country is mainly governed by three factors: increasing food production and other major inputs of industry; increasing the income levels of middle and lower strata of the population and most importantly provision of basic infrastructure and planning a national marketing system and thereby increasing the size of the national market is also essential to integrate the marketing systems with the needs and wants of the consumer with available resources. This is the hallmark of economic development.
Development of village Industries in India is being pursued since the beginning of the planning era in 1950-51. The main objectives of the comprehensive plan of village industries is the creation of widespread employment opportunities, reduction of inequities, addressing regional imbalances and creation of a base for entrepreneurial development. As a result of the policy of planned economic and industrial development followed during the last fifty years, village industries have made a phenomenal
References: & BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Amarjit Singh etal, 2002, ENABLING E-COMMERCE IN INDIA, from 4. Anonymous, Agricultural Marketing in India, World agriculture group, from 5. Anonymous, 2010, brochure IMS-Final 7 Dec.cdr, 4th Indian marketing summit,2010 from 11. Ramesh Srinivas, Tarun Sawhney, 2009 Infrastructure Development in Agriculture Route to Rural Transformation, New Delhi KPMG IN INDIA, from 12. Sood, Anubha, 2007, Crafts as Sustainable Livelihood Option in Rural India, Voice, Craft revival quarterly