Finance, Funding and Legislative Frameworks For Success
Coursework One: Data Response (Evaluation of Marks & Spencers plc)
Submitted by: Binish Babu ( Nakul Vinod (3943256) Julin Ann Thomas (3997710)
Date of submission: 4th March, 2012 Word count : 1492 words
Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 INTRODUCTION 2 Ratio Analysis 3 1) Liquidity ratios 3 2) Solvency ratios 3 3) Working capital management ratios 3 4) Profitability ratios 3 5) Asset efficiency ratios 4 Key performance indicators 4 - Group revenue 4 - Underlying (adjusted) group operating profit 4 - Adjusted group profit before tax 4 - Group profit before tax 4 - Underlying earnings per share 5 Ratio Analysis – its impact 5 APPENDIX 6 APPENDIX 1 - Profit and loss A/c – Horizontal analysis 6 APPENDIX 2 - Balance sheet – Horizontal analysis 6 APPENDIX 3 – Liquidity Ratios 7 APPENDIX 4 – Solvency Ratios 8 APPENDIX 5 - Working capital management ratio 9 APPENDIX 6 - Profitability ratio 10 APPENDIX 7 - Cash operating cycle 11 APPENDIX 8 - Asset efficiency ratio 11 APPENDIX 9 - Competitor analysis (2011) 13 APPENDIX 10 – Share holder measures 13 REFERENCES 14
Marks and Spencer PLC s one among UK’s leading retail group which cater to the high quality clothing, home appliances & food product needs of the customers. With rapidly expanding business, M&S managers 703 stores in UK and 361 stores internationally with over 78000 employees and around 2000 suppliers globally. 49% of the company’s revenue comes from clothing and household goods sector while the remaining 51% is from sale of food items. The company launched its plan A in 2007 focussing on a 5 year project till 2012 with 100 commitments. But it is being extended to 180 with 2015 as its target. Plan A aims at working against climate change, pollution, reduction of waste and sustainable growth. The goal and
References: Marks & Spencers (2012) Financial Highlights 2011 [online] available from > [3 March 2012] Britton, A Yahoo! Finance (2012) Historical prices [online] available from <> [3 March 2012] The Telegraph (2011) Fundamentals for Marks & Spencer Group [online] available from > [ 3 March 2012]