Competitive Strategy
Corrado Ospici, Frances Carley, Lily Olsson, Ruchi Dureja
Assignment 1.6
‘Strategy as practice’ vs. ‘strategy content’, ‘strategy micro-foundations’ and ‘strategy process’ approaches:
Exploring the ‘what,’ ‘who,’ ‘how,’ and ‘why’ of creating a successful competitive strategy.
Comparison of approaches
- Your comparison show you do understand the most important differences between the four research approaches and you mention most elements of the four perspectives. Yet, the comparison is rather unsystematic, which makes it hard to follow
Diagnosis approach (q2)
- not so well made; as far as I can follow you, you seem to only focus on the strategy process approach. Also, your answer remains a bit vague and abstract. So, you don’t really answer this question
- Introduction jumps too quickly to SAP – few introductory sentences would have been good.
- Paper is not so well structured, which makes it harder to read; summaries of the approaches, comparisons and the answer to the second question seem a bit mixed. It would have helped to more clearly separate the paper into sections
- Grade 6.5 Each of the strategies outlined below seek to explore the different implications brought to life through, or in adjacency to the Strategy-as-Practice (SAP) model. The following models implore the reader to discover respectively the ‘what,’ ‘who,’ and ‘how’/‘why’ of a successful competitive strategy. While none of these theories in pure singularity can provide a complete road map to competitive advantage and success with the marketplace, each theory earmarks a piece of the puzzle and ever -evolving theology which seeks to ground the roots of sustainable competitive strategy. Research on strategy content explores just that: the content or substance of the strategic resolutions of a company. While a large portion of strategy research has centered on strategic processes, strategy