1. Introduction
During the past 4 decades, Hong Kong’s economy has transformed rapidly, from manufacturing moving to financial and service base. To meeting up the challenge of globalization and economic competition among other countries, Lifelong learning and education becomes vital importance of cultivating a knowledge based society as for Hong Kong’s survival of our economic transformation.
There are many relevance of the strategic management within the Hong Kong lifelong education reform to the ten schools of strategy formulation that can find as outlines by Henry Mintzberg and Joseph Lampel.
2. The Ten Schools: About Ten Schools of thinking and strategy planning formation
The ten schools of thought is a framework that Mintzberg and Lampel used to categorize the field of strategic management. The ten schools of thought provide with a diversity of angles on how strategies are formulated, implemented and how strategy systems functions.
Mintzberg and Lampel find there are five different characteristics of strategic planning; as “five P’s”- plan, pattern, position, perspective and ploy.
• Strategy as a plan is¬ a guide for a course of action, a path from a current state to a desired future end state.
• Strategy as a pattern ¬is a consistency of behavior over time. A company that perpetually markets the most expensive products in its industry pursues what is commonly known as a high-end strategy, just as a person who always accepts the most challenging of jobs may be described as pursuing a high-risk strategy." (p.9)
• Strategy as position is¬ the location of particular products in particular markets.
• Strategy as perspective represents strategy as a particular philosophy of the business in terms of interacting with the customer, or the way(s) in which goods or