According to textbook, ‘Federick Thrasher was one of the first criminologist to give a brief description of ‘gang’ that “a gang is an organized group of three or more individuals, who rely on group intimidation, violence and criminal acts to gain power and recognition and certain areas of unlawful activity”.…
The development of gangs over the many years of their existence has caused the growth of different gangs and gang members to all parts of the world. These developing gangs have created major attention and awareness to this culture of life that is becoming so common amongst our communities. There have been said to be around 30,000 or more gangs with at least 800,000 gang members in the United States, whom were fully active in 2007. In 2009, the statics showed 147,000 in the United States prison and detention (jail) facilities and 900,000 living within our communities around the United States. Gangs in America and around the world often bring our young kids into this violent life of guns, drugs, murder, burglary, and many more criminal activities and heinous crimes.…
The ‘Crips’ are an L.A. based street gang that surfaced in 1969, this gang is said to be started by Stanley “Tookie” Williams and Raymond Washington, they chose the collective name of “Crip” because it appealed to the younger age of the members they were recruiting. This gang has been labeled as one of America’s most violent street gangs.…
In the United States there are six major prison gangs that are recognized nationally for their participation in organized crime and violence. They are as follows from largest to smallest in member size. There is the Neta, Aryan Brotherhood, Black Guerilla Family, Mexican Mafia, La Nuestra Familia, and the Texas Syndicate. By definition a gang is a group of people working together or a group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends; especially: a band of antisocial adolescents.…
Gang is: A group of people, youngsters or adolescent who associate closely, often exclusively, for social reasons, esp. such as a group engaging in delinquent behavior. It is said that there are about 750,000 different gangs in the United States, ranging from cultural meaning people from the same culture like the “The Latin Kings” consisting of Hispanic members to the “ Zoe pound” which include only Haitians or the well know the “mafia” which consist of the Italians. Other gangs are just diverse like the Crips and the Bloods, these gangs are like the country we live in the melting pot.…
When a gang becomes a genuine gang it is at this time when they become a great concern as a threat to society. The formation, expansion and the consequent actions of gangs greatly affect society. It has been consistently found that gangs are normally linked to serious crimes and violence (Decker, Melde & Pyrooz, 2013). As these gangs become constant and stable fixtures in their community they become a permanent option for marginalized…
Gangs contribute one of the greatest threats to public safety. When joining a gang often there is an initiation this is usually a violent crime. 86% of the U.S Cities with the population of 100,000 people or more report gang activities.…
1. A gang is a group of people who claim a territory and use it to make money through illegal activities (i.e. drug trafficking)…
Most gangs are established and motivated due to the need of protection; this protection can be for protecting the areas and street, which they live in or neighborhoods, with individuals of their culture or ethnic group. Also, gangs are known to branch out into economically profitable opportunities, such as criminal and illegal activities. share the same background and national origin. As of today, recruitment and the mental influence that gangs have on youth often begins with…
A gang is a group of individuals who share common traits. They are often identified by the clothes or colors that they wear and have a name. Gangs are composed of leaders and followers. They typically have their own methods of communication such as language, symbols, signs or handshakes. Joining a gang requires potential members to go through an initiation of some sort. Initiations into gangs often include the endurance of physical harm or engaging in some form of illegal or dangerous behavior, failure to give proper gang hand signals could lead to a beating.…
What is a gang? Over the years many people developed their own definition of what a gang is. For example, some define a gang as an organized group of criminals. Others say it’s a group of friends or family with internal organization, and for law enforcement they view gangs as three or more individuals who collectively identify themselves with group identity in which they use symbols, colors, hand signs, and tattoos to create fear, intimidation and engage in criminal activity.…
To start off this paper, the term ‘Gang’ must be defined. This is harder then it may seem, as English has many meanings for the word. It may mean anything a group of school friends in their thirties that have known each other for years. Or, it may mean a violent prison or street gang. For our purposes, when the word ‘gang’ is mentioned, it shall refer to a street gang, unless it is specifically referring to a prison gang.…
Growing up and knowing who I am, my values, my culture and where I fit in, in this world and the societies that I interact with were all the things that made me who I am today. As a teenage of course its all about fun and living wild but the big question is why do young people join gangs ?…
of a terrorist he/she must alter an aspect of society he deplores in society by…
The article entitled, “Bahamas tackles gang problem” was taken from the Daily Express dated Wednesday 26th September 2012. The article highlights the area of crime and violence. The article addresses participants at a workshop held at the police headquarters on the issue of gang violence in the Bahamas as the pool ideas to alleviate the problem. The Minister of National Security of Bahamas, Dr Bernard J Nottage speaks out against the increasing rate of gang violence.…